LinkedIn Profile Development

by Rebecca Henninger Rebecca Henninger No Comments

How to Add Bullets and Characters to Your LinkedIn Profile

Wondering how to add cool bullets and characters to your LinkedIn profile summary, headline, and professional experience sections?

NINJA Secret Alert: It’s easy!

Writing your profile can be so challenging for so many reasons – you’re insecure about promoting yourself, not sure what keywords, to use, and there is so much advice out there that is confusing. This is not one of those things!

Adding white space and bullets to your profile is a great way to help the reader work through the profile. Big blocks of text (really anything more than 2 or 3 lines) gets skimmed over. In our lightning-fast, hyper-distracting world, if you don’t showcase the highlights for a reader clearly, they may miss it.

LinkedIn, unlike resumes, does not allow for bold, italics, font changes and other tactics used in resumes. To overcome this obstacle, I use a few strategies:

CAPS! You can’t bold but capitalization helps to identify headers and areas of emphasis for the reader to pull them through your profile.

BULLETS. You can copy and paste various bullets using EDIT/COPY, CTRL/C (Windows), or Β COMMAND/C (Mac) and paste using EDIT/PAST, CTRL/V (Windows), or COMMAND/V (Mac).

Here are a bunch of my favorites. Feel free to bookmark this page and refer back often πŸ™‚

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βœ” ✘ ☐ β˜‘ β˜’

β˜… βœͺ ✯ ✰

βœ‰ ✍ ✎ ✏ βœ‘ ⌨

βœ† ☎



Using similar copy/paste instructions, paste these characters a few times in row to make lines. One caveat, this will use up characters, and depending on your screen size, the line may appear definitely.


Be sure to check the appearance on mobile and any other devices you have available. Happy profile updating!


by Rebecca Henninger Rebecca Henninger No Comments

6 Principles for Writing Branded Executive Resumes

At the executive level, your resume challenges beginΒ to change. You now have an impressive body of work to share, but are tasked to distill all of that data and achievements into 2 to 3 pages. The process can be daunting. A professional resume writer can be a great asset in this endeavor – here are a few of my favorite tips for working with Executive Director, VP, and C-level resumes.Β  Read more

by Rebecca Henninger Rebecca Henninger No Comments

5 LinkedIn Strategies To Utilize Today

LinkedIn is the most powerful networking tool available to jobseekers in today’s market. It is not a Facebook for professional people. It is an incredibly deep networking tool that you can use to connect with potential referral sources, inside contacts, and hiring managers.

Your LinkedIn profile is an extension of your personal brand and just like your resume, should be written in a polished and professional tone. While a LinkedIn profile does offer a little more opportunity to let your personality shine through, it’s not the place to be posting anything too personal or divisive. Be mindful of the power of perception and make sure that you are creating an image for yourself that is impactful, engages readers, and gives you a competitive edge.Β  Read more

by Rebecca Henninger Rebecca Henninger No Comments

Struggling to Write a Killer LinkedIn Headline? 3 Tips to Make Yours Stand Out.

Ok, so you’ve gotten the message that LinkedIn is really the place you need to be to get recruiters attention. Now what?

The first step is to craft a profile headline that will get attention, set you apart, and avoid being overly cheesy or “buzzwordy”.

When someone searches for a content area, keyword, or even job title, the first thing they see in the list of results is your mugshot and the beginning of your headline. How to make them click on you? Write something catchy, memorable, interesting, or in all honesty…best fit for the job!

Here are my three favorite tricks (in 120 characters or less)Β  Read more

by Rebecca Henninger Rebecca Henninger No Comments

5 LinkedIn Summary Writing Ideas to Improve Your Networking Power

LinkedIn is an essential cornerstone of your job search. In addition to having a professional resume and a winning personal branding statement, your online reputation is the key to opening doors. LinkedIn summaries are not the place to copy and paste your resume or use the executive bio from your company’s website. It’s a different platform with different goals, challenges and audiences. Treat it that way and you’ll get stronger, more positive responses to your LinkedIn persona.Β  Read more

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